Freitag, Mai 23, 2014

Words of the Week

The same politicians who at that time lied to the public and to the prosecutor’s office have got more power, not less. Parties have not become more transparent nor open and the Estonian politics has not changed much... Instead of progress, I am seeing regress. There are only isolated members in the Reform Party and IRL who have tried to break the power of parties’ backrooms... We have allowed the state of citizens to become the state of political parties. Four parliamentary parties are very similar to each other. They don’t care whether the decisions that they make are morally right and good for the society or no as long as they allow them to remain in power. I am not against political parties, but in Estonia there are no parties that carry really liberal values and European political culture, parties with horizontal management structure and decision-making based on consensus where all members can have a say and which have no taboo topics.

Silver Meikar, whistleblower from Reform Party, who two years ago has admitted to donate 115.000 kroon to Reform Party. The origin of money was unclear, Meikar claimed, the money was given him by general secretary of the Reform Party Kristen Michal, who then became Minister of Justice. After Meikars confession, Michal had to resign, Meikar was thrown out of the Reform Party. He is now taking part in European Parlament Elections as independent candidate.

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